Since the earliest days of the Christian Church, music has been an integral part of the worship and praise of God. It allows us to explore and express our faith through an artistic medium which is steeped in tradition, yet open to boundless creativity and expression. Music is central to how we worship here at Christ Church Pittsford, be it in the form of congregational hymnody, choral anthems, or organ voluntaries.
The Parish Choir, led by Director of Music and Organist Alden Wright, serve to enrich worship each week through the leading of congregational song and the singing of Psalms, anthems, and canticles. The ensemble is comprised of individuals of all ages who volunteer their time and talents to rehearse and offer music on a weekly basis. Additionally, we are also fortunate to have eight professional singers who supplement the choir, serving as section leaders and soloists, while themselves gaining the opportunity to hone
their skills of singing within an advanced choral ensemble and learning the great repertoire and traditions associated with the Episcopal and wider Anglican Church.
In addition to enriching worship, the choir is also a ministry to its members, who find comfort in the regularity of Wednesday and Sunday meetings, in having connections and friendships amongst members, and in feeling a sense of unity by creating music together which strengthens the faith of singers and congregation
If you would like to know more about the choir and/or the music that is offered here, please contact
Director of Music Alden Wright at