Caring for Those Beyond our Community
Serving others (being Christ’s heart and hands in the world) is fundamental to our identity as Christians. Through our Outreach Ministry, we at Christ Church, both adults and youth, actively serve Christ by giving our time, talents and financial support to those in need in the community of greater Rochester.
​The focus of Outreach is on feeding ministries, supporting needy and vulnerable children, and promoting housing as a human right. We enable this focus through personal volunteerism, a variety of parish wide collections throughout the year and grants to several social service agencies with whom we enjoy a partnership, including:
Cameron Community Ministries an Urban Outreach Community Center in the Lyell-Otis Neighborhood of Rochester, NY
Pittsford Food Cupboard an emergency food cupboard serving Pittsford, and surrounding towns and villages.
Family Promise of Rochester (formerly RAIHN) is a not-for-profit social service organization that assists homeless families to achieve sustainable independence.
St. Mark’s and St. John’s Episcopal Church, located in Rochester’s Beechwood neighborhood, provides an in-house food shelf that serves the residents of the neighborhood. In addition, SMSJ maintains six neighborhood gardens that provide fruits and vegetables for the community.
A Meal and More, a soup kitchen located at Christ Episcopal Church
in downtown Rochester.
In partnership with Sunday School, we collected toys during the holidays for Friendship Children’s Center.
Our Youth Group participates in an annual week-long summer community service project named Missionpalooza as well as in other projects throughout the year.
Other collections supported by our parish community include school supplies for two inner city schools, gift cards that provided Thanksgiving dinners for families at Rochester Childfirst Network and cash and gift card donations at Christmas to enable clients at several social service agencies (including Family Promise) to enjoy the holiday more fully.