Adult Education
Members of Christ Church love lively theological inquiry and love to learn. We expect thought-provoking, relevant sermons from our clergy each week. In addition, we regularly offer forums after our services, covering everything from bible study to topics such as skills for aging gracefully, organ transplants, and enjoying the natural beauty of local parks in Western New York.
The Adult Forums for Fall 2023 will be led by our interim rector, The Rev. Dr. Julianne Buenting. Her topics will include relevent topics as we move into the search for our own rector as well as a new diocesean bishop.
Christ Church also has its own lending library of over 1,300 books, with about 65 new books added each year. The titles range from the religious to the secular and include both fiction and non-fiction. Members check out books when seeking religious insight, spiritual inquiry, or just a good read.
Dr. Mark Bummitt