It is our joy to welcome you to Christ Church Pittsford. We seek to follow and serve Christ in all persons. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we hope you will find us a welcoming and inclusive community for all. We are a vibrant and thriving multigenerational parish. In addition to worship we have a strong formation program for all ages, including a large and lively Sunday School and Youth Group. We are known for traditional worship, inspiring music, enlightened theology, and a contemporary context. We invite you to explore this website to learn more about us.
Our mission is to bring all people to unity with God and one another in Christ by prayer, worship, fellowship, proclamation of the good news and promotion of justice, peace, and love.
We believe that one of our strengths is the capacity of our community to share love and support of one another in good times and bad. Our strength is in our openness to new ways of worship and changes in the church liturgy, even as we remain squarely within the tradition of the Episcopal Church.
As a member of our congregation, you can make a difference here: our programs have grown and evolved over the years in response to the needs and interests of our fellow parishioners.

Seek and serve Christ in all persons
Recognize and support the Godly ministries of all persons
Grow in faith and love through personal and corporate prayer, worship and lively theological discussion and study
Resist evil and to strive for justice and peace, recognizing the dignity and worth of every human being
Be stewards over God’s many gifts to us
Live and proclaim the Gospel in our words and deeds as we fulfill the baptismal covenant, and
Take our place in the life of the larger church